The reactivated entre chose in the acousmatic dormitory

<a href=””><img class=”aligncenter wp-image-23182 ” src=”×689.jpg” alt=”12029712_1158872100794994_2703112268542784171_o” width=”569″ height=”380″ /></a>


The reactivated entre chose in<em> the acousmatic dormitory</em>


You who have always wanted to listen to what’s going on in between and ‘couldn’t!

On Saturday, October 24, you can once again experience <em>l’entre-chose</em> from midnight to 7am!

Enriched by the fabulous sounds of Arthur Arsenne, Yohan Bricombe and cradled by videos from Eskoit Visuals

Participate here: <a href=””>Facebook event</a>


<p style=”text-align: center;”><a href=””>Discover the entre-chose here</a></p>
<img class=”aligncenter wp-image-23052 size-medium” src=”×285.png” alt=”Capture-d’écran-2015-01-21-à-13.18.42″ width=”300″ height=”285″ />



Posted on

February 3, 2024