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From September 24 to 27, 2015, at 71Bis rue Lamarck, 75018 Paris

Opening Thursday, September 24 from 6 p.m.


Performance by Tristan Blumel Friday, September 25 at 6 p.m.

Catalog: here the Earth

Here the earth catalog

Exhibition catalog

A metaphor like catalog earth

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TADAM .. here is the Earth… the whole earth, the young man suddenly, all at once lifted his cape, his hair still wet and his nose still very red and painful from the jellyfish he had caught in the figure on the way back. In the sea, the waves were already mistreating him a lot, he had drunk three times the cup the time of the expedition he was swimming in haste towards the shore and bam! another wave that put his head under water and boom! a jellyfish on the nose. “Oh!! it hurts like hell,” he kept repeating. And all that was to see the land.

To see the whole earth, like in a magic trick which we don’t really know if it’s just a bit of confusion, a hypnotist’s thing, maybe even a charlatan’s thing. Or if something really happens, like we’re really going to see the earth!

As if dressed as a cosmonaut we were going into space with these nuclear-built rockets, from which we see the earth while floating, attached to this kind of cord that prevents us from disappearing into space, but this young man is in the sea that he floats and not very well I grant you. As for the rocket, his is in the shape of a saucer, and it seems that it is not with nuclear power but with telepathy that it works, but the saucer is for its next trick…

Because there it is even stronger, it is the whole earth that we are going to see, the whole earth on the sea.

The waiting audience… The cape rises,

It’s that on top of that he did it with a team, an extraordinary team,

because of course it takes a lot of minds to make the earth fly over the sea.

His team he wanted to present, because it must be said it was a hell of a team, and then as he often repeats: these things are funny only because we do them together.

Lack of luck for the presentation, the first of the team: Félix the adventurer ended up really taking the boat, and he is somewhere between Bali and Malaysia, on the sky or under the sea, maybe in the summit of Mount Kinabalu I was told. His thing was organization and then energy. The one who set the alarm clock at 4:30 a.m. and shouted: get up, let’s go! we must be down from the mountain before noon! And sometimes click he took a photo, which can now be seen in the exhibition here the earth.

In the expedition there is Tom, he gets up less early, but he is essential when handling the carabiners, securing his arm so that he doesn’t run all the way down the valley. And Audric ready to pierce the mountain as many times as necessary to fix the peaks to which all four were going to entrust their lives.

They were thus able to climb the highest mountains of the Alps, and another less high but just as singular where they were able, braving the snow and the void, to hang this loving gesture, this bouquet of flowers stretched towards the sky above a land with the most extraordinary landscape.

So it was these four (and also Katia and Quentin, fine videographer for the documentation) who suspended themselves in the void, Makita battery-powered drill in hand, and pierced a large rock one January morning, sealing this bronze in the mountain.

It turns out that with Celia he had already made an attempt to hang these flowers in the sky, but gravity pulled them under the sea. It’s true that you don’t have to be very smart to believe that when you jump into the void with a bouquet of flowers, they will stay in the air. The flowers are light but they also undergo gravity, it is Newton who tells us, P=MG. and being naked doesn’t change that!

That’s why they had to come up with a trick to fix those flowers in the sky.

The stratagem was this expedition, hanging his outstretched arm at the top of a mountain holding out flowers to immensity.

Well… The flowers fade quickly and fly away, of course, but it’s already a longer time than that of a jump and then above all the gesture remains, and then the story remains, and all experienced mountaineer hikers will be able to s they have a rope and good carabiners, place new flowers there.

Even after fixing the arm, which he and his team did not hesitate to describe as poetic high technology, he thought back to the leap into the void made with Celia and he said to himself: “deep down we are sure, somewhere we I don’t really know where, the bouquet is still hanging in the sky. »

That’s the land here , the name of the first project. A loving and sincere project that was able to exist thanks to a first and primordial team, and a second team whose story is coming soon.

here the earth,

Because this name here the earth, it is something! It’s a strong name, which contains a secret that I haven’t discovered yet! I just know that the name comes from another text published a little earlier, blown by Joseph Mouton. He is good at finding Joseph titles! It was at the time when we were all trying to repair a long-distance thought transmission network in order to find the lost memory in the sphere of ideas.

Ah! Telepathy, that’s for sure, it worked, like a subtle balance between the fictional thing, the real thing and the poetic thing… but that’s another story.

Then there is the great Tristan Blumel coming into play. He is a poet, when that he puts on a show, we present him like this:

“Has only one voice but many words, which he spits and throws to the ground. The words run away and never come back. But Blumel doesn’t care, he always has more.”

He wasn’t there during the expedition, because he’s from Bordeaux. He must have been sitting in Bordeaux on his portable desk with his typewriter, in a street, and selling poems to passers-by. “ For five euros I will write you a poem my dear”.

He wasn’t on the expedition, but it’s a bit as if, because we made a book here on earth, and it was Blumel who wrote it. Who told it in his own way, a kind of poet’s way “Basically, there is a transaction, a secret exchange of sweetness, between the banal and the ecstatic. He tells us.

I take this opportunity to tell you, I can’t keep secrets, Blumel will be there on Friday, September 25, 2015 at 6 p.m.!

Finally, it is Diameter that arrives in the story, because the earth has to be measured.

Diameter is easy, you must have their logo at the top or bottom of the text, it’s an association.

because it was necessary to tell the story of Ici la Terre, Diameter found us a place in their beautiful city of Paris, and organized a vernissage on September 24, 2015 in Lamarck Caulaincourt come many!!

In Diameter there is Camille, it was she who offered to tell this story and organize the exhibition: super curator straight out of the Ecole du Louvre.

There is also Andy, he is the one who lends his apartment to Lamarck Caulaincourt and Manon and all the rest of the team.

We are almost there, Jean-Pierre and Eva settle the last logistical details, wooden crate to transport the photos etc..

He and Celia finish refining their poetic technology, together they hold the secret of the flight of the earth and two or three other secrets too, which they developed on a naturist beach, the same one where he saw flying Earth. It seems that in their last photo the poetry has gone on vacation, and they are working on some kind of poetic gravity particle for the ethereal

TADAM the cape rises.. shall we see land?

A trumpeter friend


to Tristan Blumel for the poetry of the exhibition through his texts, and his performative reading on September 25 at 6 p.m.

to Celia Vanhoutte for her participation in the photographs and the construction of the exhibition.

to Camille Frasca of the association Diameter for the organization of the exhibition, the writing of texts and the communication.

We would also like to thank the supporters of the Ici la terre project:

to Tom Barbagli and Audric Galzy for having climbed mountains suspended in the void, perforating it to hang an arm there.

to Tristan Brumel for the co-production of this edition and the writing of the text Demeurer.

to Celia Vanhoutte, Felix Bourgeau, Morgane Mercurio, for the precious shots that produced many images for this present edition.

to Juliette Mirette, Anne-Sophie Lecharme, and Annie Vautier for their corrections Text here.

to Joseph Mouton for the precious title: ici la terre.

to Quentin Pham-van for the expedition film.

to Eva Vautier and her gallery for the participation in the creation of the edition.

to Jean Pierre Soardi for his logistical assistance

to all the generous donors who recognized in this gesture a loving, sincere and poetic act.

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Exhibition catalog: Coming soon[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” text_align=”left” background_animation=”none” css_animation=””][vc_column][vc_column_text]